P. 22

              Tuesday 27 February 2018
            Ohtani has RBI single, 2 walks

            in debut at plate for Angels

            By BERNIE WILSON             strike  zones  between  Ja-  it  through  his  scheduled
            PEORIA,  Ariz.  (AP)  —  Two-  pan and the States," Ohtani  two innings against Milwau-
            way star Shohei Ohtani had  said. "I felt like I kind of ac-  kee.
            a  much  better  big  league  complished  that  plus  I  just  Ohtani  said  he  wasn't  ner-
            debut  as  a  hitter  than  he  wanted  to  be  aggressive  vous.
            did as a pitcher.            on the first pitch."         "Actually, it felt really natu-
            After   patiently   drawing  After his single, Ohtani was  ral  going  into  my  first  at-
            walks  in  his  first  two  plate  lifted  for  a  pinch-runner  bat.  I  was  able  to  see  the
            appearances, Ohtani hit a  and received a nice round  ball really well," he said.
            sharp RBI single up the mid-  of  applause  from  the  fans  "I  was  able  to  see  a  lot  of
            dle in his first spring training  at  Peoria  Stadium,  which  pitches,  so  that  was  really
            start as a designated hitter  was less than half full.    good.  I  just  want  to  keep
            for the Los Angeles Angels.  Ohtani  saw  11  pitches  it going. I'm seeing the ball
            "I  was  happy  to  get  that  his  first  two  times  up  and  pretty  well  so  hopefully  I
            first hit out of the way but I  swung at only two.        can have better at-bats to-
            was also happy with my first  Batting  second,  he  fell  morrow."
            two  at-bats,"  the  23-year-  behind  0-2  against  right-  Ohtani is trying to become
            old said through a transla-  hander Jordan Lyles before  the first player in nearly 100
            tor  after  getting  on  base  drawing  four  straight  balls  years to play regularly as a
            three  times  against  three  in  the  first  inning.  He  ad-  pitcher and hitter.    Los Angeles Angels' Shohei Ohtani avoids an inside pitch during
            different San Diego Padres  vanced on David Fletcher's  Asked if hitting is ahead of   the third inning of a spring training baseball game against the
            pitchers. "I got to see a lot  single  and  was  erased  on  his pitching, he said: "I think   San Diego Padres, Monday, Feb. 26, 2018, in Peoria, Ariz.
            of pitches and I got to face  Martin Maldonado's inning-  this  goes  for  almost  any                                          Associated Press
            a righty and a lefty. I felt like  ending double play.    player,  I  think  my  hitting  is
            I put together pretty good  Ohtani walked again in the  always ahead of my pitch-      international bonus money  league  pitchers  can  ex-
            at-bats the first two walks."  third  against  lefty  Buddy  ing at this point of the year,  from the Angels.       ploit the strike zone and hit
            That's  why  the  lefty-hitting  Bauman  and  took  second  just like any other year."  Ohtani likely could have re-  their  spots,  "right  now  it's
            phenom  was  able  to  be  on  a  wild  pitch,  beating  Ohtani  spent  five  seasons  ceived a deal worth more  really just get your feet on
            aggressive  in  his  third  at-  the throw with an awkward  with the Nippon Ham Fight-  than $100 million if he had  the  ground,  seeing  some
            bat,  when  he  hit  the  first  slide.                   ers  before  signing  with  waited two years to move  velocity,"     Scioscia   said.
            pitch  he  saw  from  righty  The Angels lost 10-4 as the  the  Angels  as  an  interna-  stateside,  but  he  wasn't  "That's  three  good  at-bats
            Michael Mariot for a single  Padres  hit  five  home  runs,  tional  free  agent  on  Dec.  interested  in  delaying  his  for Shoehei."
            that  brought  in  Eric  Young  including  an  inside-the-  10.  The  Angels  paid  a  $20  progress for money.     Scioscia  said  there's  a
            Jr., who had doubled with  parker by Franchy Cordero.     million  posting  fee  to  the  "He saw the ball really well,"  chance  Ohtani  could  bat
            one out.                     Ohtani's    first   Cactus  Ham  Fighters.  Ohtani,  who  manager  Mike  Scioscia  again  on  Tuesday  when
            "One  of  the  reasons  why  I  League  at-bats  came  two  will  be  under  the  Angels'  said.  "I  definitely  like  the  the  Angels  face  Colorado
            was  able  to  see  so  many  days  after  his  first  start  on  contractual   control   for  two  walks.  It  was  a  good  at Salt River Fields. Scioscia
            pitches  in  the  first  two  at-  the  mound.  The  Japa-  six  years,  signed  a  minor  day for Shohei."         said Ohtani will pitch again
            bats  was  I  just  wanted  to  nese newcomer allowed a  league  contract  and  can  As  much  as  Ohtani  needs  on  Friday,  maybe  in  a  B
            feel  the  difference  in  the  home run and didn't make  receive up to $2,315,000 in  to  understand  how  big  game.q

                                                                      Sounders' Jordan Morris out

                                                                      for season with knee injury

                                                                      pects  Morris  to  have  sur-  appeared  ready  for  a  re-  Cup.
                                                                      gery in the next few weeks  bound season after a solid  "He  had  come  back  from
                                                                      once the swelling subsides.  showing during U.S. nation-  the  hamstring  issue  and
                                                                      Lagerwey  wants  Morris  to  al team camp in January.     been healthy for a couple
                                                                      fully recover and therefore  Morris was hurt last Thursday  of  months  and  had  been
                                                                      will not rush to get him back  in the 85th minute of Seat-  playing  better  and  bet-
                                                                      late in the season.          tle's  round  of  16  matchup  ter.  ...  We  really  felt  good
                                                                      "We  think  he  is  a  Sounder  against Santa Tecla. Morris  about him and felt he was
            Seattle  Sounders  head  coach  Brian  Schmetzer  talks  after  the
            soccer team's practice Monday, Feb. 26, 2018, in Tukwila, Wash.  for  the  long  term,  he  is  in  crumpled  to  the  turf  after  in  good  form,"  Lagerwey
                                                     Associated Press  the organizations long-term  taking  an  awkward  step  said.
                                                                      plans," Lagerwey said.       while trying to chip over the  Lagerwey   said   Seattle
             By TIM BOOTH                knee  came  during  last  After  a  dynamic  rookie  goalkeeper.  The  Sounders  won't rush into finding a re-
              AP Sports Writer           week's CONCACAF Cham-        season  in  2016  when  he  lost 2-1, with the return leg  placement for Morris — the
             TUKWILA, Wash. (AP) — Se-   pions  League  matchup  helped  Seattle  win  its  first  this week in Seattle.        club has options with Clint
             attle Sounders forward Jor-  against El Salvador's Santa  MLS  Cup  title,  Morris'  ca-  The  injury  also  extends  to  Dempsey, Will Bruin and La-
             dan Morris will miss the 2018  Tecla.                    reer has dipped largely be-  the national team. Morris is  mar Neagle.
             MLS  season  because  of  a  General  manager  Garth  cause of injuries. He missed  one  of  the  prominent  op-   But  this  wasn't  a  position
             torn knee ligament.         Lagerwey  said  Monday  much of Seattle's run to last  tions at forward for a team  Lagerwey       expected    to
             The tear to his anterior cru-  initial tests appear to show  year's league final because  that  is  rebuilding  after  fail-  fill  on  the  cusp  of  the  MLS
             ciate  ligament  in  his  right  no further damage. He ex-  of  an  ailing  hamstring.  He  ing to qualify for the World  season.q
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