P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 27 February 2018

            U.S. Open abandons 18 playoff, last of golf's majors to do so

            By DOUG FERGUSON             The U.S. Open used to have
            PALM  BEACH  GARDENS,  a 36-hole playoff, last used
            Fla. (AP) — The U.S. Open is  in  1931  when  Billy  Burke
            changing to a two-hole ag-   and  George  Von  Elm  tied
            gregate playoff, the last of  after  72  holes,  tied  after
            the four majors to do away  the  36-hole  playoff  and
            with an 18-hole playoff.     then  played  another  36
            The change is takes effect  holes.  Burke  won  by  one
            immediately and would be  shot.  Then,  if  18-hole  play-
            used at Shinnecock Hills on  offs  were  tied,  another  18
            Long Island in June if there  holes were played. Starting
            is  a  tie  after  72  holes.  The  with the 1990 U.S. Open, an
            U.S.  Golf  Association  also  18-hole playoff that ended
            decided  to  make  its  other  with a tie was decided by
            three   open    champions  sudden  death.  Hale  Irwin
            two-hole  playoffs  —  the  won that year.
            U.S.  Women's  Open,  U.S.  Davis said the USGA chose
            Senior Open and U.S. Senior  a two-hole playoff to allow
            Women's Open.                a  player  to  recover  from
            The  U.S  Open  has  had  33  one bad shot and still keep
            playoffs  in  its  117  years,  the  intensity  of  the  playoff
            all  decided  by  18  holes  or  being decided quickly.
            more.                        The  10-year  stretch  be-
            "There  was  a  time  when  tween  playoffs  is  the  lon-
            they  did  make  sense  be-  gest in U.S. Open history.
            fore  television,  before  the  "This  came  up  about  two
            modern  era  of  wanting  months  ago,"  Davis  said.
            everything  decided  im-     "We've  had  33  playoffs    In this June 16, 2008, file photo, Rocco Mediate, left, jokes with Tiger Woods following Woods' U.S.
            mediately,"  said  Mike  Da-  since  1895.  Do  your  math   Open championship victory after playing a sudden death hole following an 18-hole playoff round
            vis,  chief  executive  of  the  and  that's  one  every  3  ½   for the US Open championship at Torrey Pines Golf Course in San Diego.
            USGA.  "There  is  no  correct  years. For the last 23 years,                                                                   Associated Press
            way  to  determine  a  tie  in  we've had two playoffs. So
            stroke play."                it was proactive."
            The  last  U.S.  Open  playoff  He  said  the  USGA  asked  trying  to  get  in,  long  lines  out?  They've  got  plenty  of  women  played  only  three
            was 10 years ago at Torrey  players,  broadcaster  part-  at  concession  stands  with  daylight.  Whether  it's  two,  holes.
            Pines,  where  Tiger  Woods  ners,  vendors  and  fans  few  vendors.  Davis  said  it  three  or  four  holes  doesn't  "That  got  us  to  say,  'Let's
            beat Rocco Mediate in 19  about  ending  the  18-hole  was one of the largest digi-    matter.  I  do  not  like  the  look  at  every  aspect.'  We
            holes for his 14th major.    playoff.                     tal  audiences  for  a  sports  sudden-death  aspect  of  just  concluded  now  is  the
            The  Masters  was  the  first  "I  won't  say  it  was  every-  event  because  so  many  the major. I think one hole  right time," Davis said.
            major  to  abandon  the  18-  body, but seemingly it was,  people were at work.        is a little quick to decide a  Davis said the two-hole ag-
            hole playoff in 1976 when it  'Why do we have to come  Stewart Cink, who won the  major."                           gregate would be different
            changed to sudden death.  back  tomorrow?'"  Davis  British  Open  at  Turnberry  The USGA also felt the three-     holes, but not limited to the
            The PGA Championship did  said.                           in  2009  over  Tom  Watson,  hole aggregate playoffs for  17th  and  18th  holes  de-
            the same a year later, and  No  one  seemed  to  mind  liked the idea of scrapping  the  U.S.  Women's  Open  —  pending on the course.
            Lanny Wadkins won the first  the last playoff, mainly be-  the 18-hole playoff.        instituted  after  Annika  So-  In  the  case  of  Shinnecock
            sudden-death  playoff  in  cause  it  involved  Woods,  "I think 18 holes is a bit much  renstam beat Pat Hurst in 18  Hills,  playing  the  17th  and
            major championship history  who  was  playing  for  the  for a playoff, and it's more  holes  at  Newport  Country  18th  would  mean  a  par  3
            in  1977  at  Pebble  Beach.  first  time  since  the  Masters  often than not going to be  Club in 2006 — and the U.S.  and a par 4. The 17th and
            The PGA later changed to  because of a shattered left  a bit anticlimactic," he said.  Senior Open worked well.     18th holes at Pebble Beach
            a three-hole aggregate.      leg  that  required  surgery  "They've  got  the  captive  Davis also said he was hav-  in  2019  would  be  a  par  3
            The  British  Open  changed  two  weeks  after  he  won.  audiences, the players are  ing a hard time explaining  and  a  par  5,  two  of  the
            to a four-hole aggregate in  There  was  pandemonium  at the peak of their games,  why the men had to go 18  most scenic holes in Ameri-
            1986.                        at  the  gates  with  people  why  not  let  them  duke  it  holes for a playoff and the  can golf.q
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