P. 25

BUSINESS                 Tuesday 27 February 2018

                                                                      Caribbean Palm Village       Tropicana Resort and Casino  Aruba Divi Phoenix
                                                                      1 br WK 6 room  G building   1 br WK 7 room #5559         studio week 7 room #1103
                                                                      # 203 1 br WK 7 room  G      1 br WK 8 room #1537         $9000
                                                                      building # 204               Price : $8000 each           18 weeks remain 10 accelerated
                                                                      $6500 each                   Divi Links Golf              studio Week 8 room #1404
                                                                      La Cabana BRC                1br week 8&9 room #4229      $8500
                                                                      1 br WK 4 room # 242 a       28 weeks remain  $8,500 each  26 weeks remain 10 acclerated
                                                                      Pool/Ocean View $7500        Call:630-1307                Call:630-1307
                                                                   ________________________________209172  _______________________________209172
            Trader Steven Kaplan works on the floor of the New York Stock
            Exchange. Stocks jumped on Monday, with gains again accel-  ________________________________209172  Aruba Divi Phoenix
            erating in the last hour of trading.                      Marriott Ocean Club          1 br  wk 10 and 11
                                              (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  1br Platinum OV  $10,000    room # 844  35/10 accelerated
            Stocks power higher again                                 1br Platinum OF  $15,000     in the summer pool/ocean view
                                                                                                   $35,000 both
                                                                      2br Platinum OV  $16,000
            as Treasury yields ease up                                2br Platinum OF  $26,000     Call: 630-1307
            By STAN CHOE                 turned  higher  as  the  day                              TIMESHARE WK 9
            AP Business Writer           wore on. That's an encour-   Marriott Surf Club           Renaissance Ocean Suite
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Stocks  aging sign to investors who   2br Platinum  GV $14,000     5 th floor birds eye view of
            jumped  on  Monday,  with  see the last hour of trading   2br Platinum  OV $15,000     carnaval parade $9,500
            gains again accelerating in  as being dominated by the    2br Platinum  Os $16,000     524 3000 call room #241
            the last hour of trading, as  "smart money."              2br Platinum  OF $25,000     aruba beach Club
            markets  around  the  world  The  Dow  Jones  industrial   3br Platinum  OV $25,000    Island privilege & boat leave’s
            continue  to  claw  back  average rose 399.28, or 1.6     Call:630-1307                every 10 min
            from a sharp tumble earlier  percent,  to  25,709.27,  and    ________________________________209170
            this month.                  the   Nasdaq    composite    ________________________________209172  FOR SALE
            The  Standard  &  Poor's  500  gained  84.07,  or  1.1  per-                           Townhouse,
            powered to a third straight  cent,  to  7,421.46.  All  three   Aruba Divi Phoenix     Financing possible
            gain,  and  the  index  has  indexes  are  back  within   Hard To Get                  656 ft from beach, 2 bedrooms
            erased about two-thirds of  3.4 percent of their record   beach Front Property         2.5 bathrooms, floor 1.399 sq. ft
            its 10 percent loss since set-  highs. ”I think you can very   studio Week 3 room # 202  Price $320,000
            ting a record a month ago.   confidently say the worst is   with 12 weeks              yearly tax: $925
            Analysts  said  the  key  rea-  over  for  now,”  said  Randy   remain on the contract  Monthly maintenance: $350
            son for Monday's gain was  Frederick,  vice  president    $6500                        Call or text: 592 4431
            a  drop  in  Treasury  yields,  of  trading  and  derivatives   Call: 630-1307         email:
            which  have  been  at  the  at  the  Schwab  Center  for      _________________________________209169
            center  of  worries  for  stock  Financial  Research.  “The   ________________________________209172  Marriott Renaissance Suites
            investors  in  recent  weeks,  concern  I  have  is  that  it’s   ASSOCIATED REALTORS  1 br WK 11 room #2113
            but some were still surprised  recovering too quickly. To-  For Sale                   Ground Floor Pool/Ocean
            by  how  much  the  stock  day’s  rally  has  been  very   New house close to the      $12,000
            market climbed.              surprising.”                 ayo rock Formation with      Call;630-1307
            The  S&P  500  gained  32.30  Frederick  said  he  saw  few   3 bedrooms &1 bathroom
            points,  or  1.2  percent,  to  reasons  for  a  big  move   including an apartment for   _________________________________209172
            2,779.60, with telecoms and  higher in stocks on Monday,   $221,000.00 Call Mito 593 6318
            technology  stocks  leading  with no big-ticket earnings   ________________________________209167  Caribbean Palm Village
            the  way.  For  the  second  or economic reports on the   ASSOCIATED REALTORS          1 br WK 6 room #203 G
            straight  day,  the  market  calendar. q                  For Sale                     1 br WK 7 room #204 G
                                                                      House at soledad /Tanki      $6500 each
                                                                      Leendert with 4 bedrooms, 2.5   Call: 630-1307
                                                                      bathrooms, build-up 273 m2,
                                                                      land 974 m2 wth 1 apartment   ________________________________209172
                                                                      and for $362,000.00          Divi Links Golf
                                                                      Call Mito at 593 6318        1 br WK 8 room # 2130
                                                                      _________________________________209167  33 weeks remain $10,000
                                                                      ASSOCIATED REALTORS          1 br WK 9 and 10 room #2130
                                                                      For Sale                     23 weeks remain $10,000 each
                                                                      family house with three      Call:630-1307
                                                                      bedrooms and two bathrooms
                                                                      situated at Washington on    _________________________________209172
                                                                      property land and for $205,000
                                                                      Call Mito at 593 6318
                                                                                                   House For sale
                                                                                                   Tierra del sol
                                                                                                   3 br, 2 bath
                                                                                                   Full air Nice View $575 K
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