P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Tuesday 27 February 2018
            Review: 'Movie Nights' memoir connects Reagans to '80s films

            By DOUGLASS K. DANIEL        president.  "Movie  nights  prompts     Weinberg     to
            "Movie Nights with the Rea-  were  a  diversion  from  the  speculate  about  whether
            gans:  A  Memoir"  (Simon  &  business of governing — or  it  might  have  led  Reagan
            Schuster),  by  Mark  Wein-  the  business  of  campaign-  to  think  about  his  difficult
            berg.The Aspen Movie Club  ing — and a chance for the  relationship with his daugh-
            may  well  have  been  the  Reagans to relax and enjoy  ter  Patti.  Reagan  found
            most  exclusive  gathering  the  art  form  that  brought  inspiration  in  "Chariots  of
            of  its  kind.  Most  weekend  them  together  in  the  first  Fire"  (1981),  and  Weinberg
            nights in the 1980s, its mem-  place."  "Movie  Nights  with  uses the film to discuss Rea-
            bers appeared at 8 o'clock  the  Reagans"  adds  valu-    gan's  affection  for  British
            at Aspen Lodge, the presi-   able  touches  to  the  warm  culture  as  well  as  his  rela-
            dential residence at Camp  personal  images  of  the  tionship  with  British  Prime
            David, Maryland, to watch  Reagans  already  estab-       Minister Margaret Thatcher
            a film. The hosts were Ron-  lished elsewhere. The presi-  and the royal family. There
            ald  and  Nancy  Reagan,  dent wasn't too busy to call  are  too  few  instances  in
            the  guests  were  their  staff  Weinberg into the Oval Of-  which  Weinberg  can  of-
            and others on hand.          fice to return a pen he had  fer  meaningful  memories
            The screenings offered the  borrowed  a  few  days  ear-  of the Reagans comment-
            Reagans an opportunity to  lier. He wasn't too big to tell  ing on a film, a disappoint-
            stay in touch with what had  the  movie  group  that  he  ment given the book's title.
            been  the  family  business.  was  sorry  for  a  crack  he'd  One  worth  noting:  Both
            Reagan began his film ca-    made  the  night  before  were unhappy with the pot
            reer  in  the  late  1930s  and  about  Weinberg  sounding  smoking  in  the  comedy  "9
            was  more  successful  than  like a communist while dis-  to  5"  (1980)  and  Mrs.  Rea-
            his  political  critics  would  cussing  the  Soviet  invasion  gan  even  referenced  it  in
            give him credit. Nancy Da-   film "Red Dawn" (1984). And  her "just say no" campaign
            vis first appeared on-screen  the  president  never  ap-  against  drug  use.  On  the
            in 1949 but may have found  peared  unhappy  to  meet  other hand, Weinberg pro-
            her  true  calling  supporting  a member of his staff's fam-  vides  enough  anecdotes
            her  husband's  ambitions.  ily. Such personal moments  away  from  the  screenings
            Most of all, however, mov-   are more telling and com-    to give his book an insider's
            ies at Camp David offered  pelling  than  many  of  the  vibe and to add to our un-
            the former actors the same  public ones Weinberg revis-   derstanding of Reagan the
            kind  of  escape  most  peo-  its as he tries — sometimes  man if not Reagan the fan.  This cover image released by Simon & Schuster shows "Movie
            ple seek in a dark theater.  too hard — to connect the  Weinberg  says  the  Rea-      Nights with the Reagans," a memoir by Mark Weinberg.
            "He  didn't  screen  movies  films the Reagans watched  gans  screened  more  than                                              Associated Press
            based  on  their  ideology.  to the Reagans themselves.  360 films in their eight years
            That's  not  what  our  movie  "The  Untouchables"  (1987)  in  Washington.  They  pre-  (1986)  were  among  their  president  remained  a  fan
            nights  were  about,"  Mark  becomes  a  platform  to  ferred those that were light,  favorites  —  and  had  little  of  the  lively  art  that  gave
            Weinberg  observes  in  a  discuss  the  president's  dis-  humorous and fun — "Raid-  to  say  for  one  driven  by  him a career and the skills
            modest  memoir  about  his  taste  for  organized  crime.  ers  of  the  Lost  Ark"  (1981)  violence  and  sex.  Even  as  to  communicate  his  vision
            years  as  an  aide  to  the  "On  Golden  Pond"  (1981)  and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"  the  industry  changed,  the  for the nation's future.q

            Bill Cosby's daughter Ensa, 44, dies in Massachusetts

            By BOB SALSBERG              to life in prison without pa-                                                          dia," she said.
            BOSTON (AP) — Bill Cosby's  role.                                                                                   "Boys  will  be  boys"  was  an
            44-year-old  daughter  Ensa  Bill Cosby, 80, owns a home                                                            apparent    reference   to
            Cosby  died  in  Massachu-   in  the  western  Massachu-                                                            President Donald Trump ex-
            setts from kidney disease, a  setts town of Shelburne Falls.                                                        cusing as "locker room talk,"
            spokesman  for  the  come-   Ensa  Cosby  spoke  out  on                                                            lewd  remarks  he  was  re-
            dian said Monday.            her  father's  behalf  before                                                          corded making in footage
            Spokesman  Andrew  Wyatt  his trial last year on charges                                                            released  during  the  2016
            did  not  immediately  of-   he drugged and molested                                                                presidential  campaign  by
            fer  other  details  about  her  a  woman  at  his  suburban                                                        "Access Hollywood."
            death on Friday.             Philadelphia home in 2004.                                                             Cosby  is  due  in  court  next
            "Please  keep  the  Cosby  He  has  pleaded  not  guilty                                                            Monday for a pretrial hear-
            family  in  your  prayers  and  and  remains  free  on  bail                                                        ing as his lawyers and pros-
            give  them  peace  at  this  ahead  of  his  retrial  sched-                                                        ecutors  clash  over  how
            time," he said.              uled for April 2. His first trial                                                      many  other  accusers  can
            Bill Cosby lost another of his  ended with a hung jury last    In this Aug. 22, 2017, file photo, Bill Cosby departs after a pretrial   testify at his retrial.
                                                                      hearing in his sexual assault case at the Montgomery County
            five  children  in  1997  when  year.                     Courthouse in Norristown, Pa.                             In the wake of Ensa Cosby's
            his  27-year-old  son,  Ennis,  Ensa  Cosby  and  her  sister,                                     Associated Press  death,  Bill  Cosby  could
            a graduate student at Co-    Erinn, recorded statements                                                             ask  to  postpone  the  pre-
            lumbia  University,  was  shot  that aired on New York hip-  a big role in aspects of the  but passes off 'boys will be  trial  hearing  or  wave  his
            to  death  while  changing  hop  radio  station  Power  scandal.                       boys' when white men are  right  to  be  in  court  for  it.
            a  flat  tire  near  a  freeway  105.  Ensa  Cosby  said  she  "How  my  father  is  being  accused, and how the poli-  Cosby's   lead   attorney,
            off ramp in Los Angeles. A  strongly believed in her fa-  punished  by  a  society  tics of our country prove my  Tom  Mesereau,  did  not
            22-year-old  man  was  later  ther's  innocence  and  be-  that  still  believes  black  disgust. My father has been  immediately  respond  to
            convicted  and  sentenced  lieved  that  racism  played  men  rape  white  women  publicly lynched in the me-       messages.q
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