P. 18

              Tuesday 27 February 2018

            Paralyzed ex-UConn hoops player now a curling Paralympian

            By PAT EATON-ROBB                                                                                                   coach called to say a Ca-
            NORFOLK,  Conn.  (AP)  —                                                                                            nadian  team  was  missing
            Steve  Emt  was  rolling  him-                                                                                      a  player  and  asked  if  Emt
            self up a hill to a pie shop                                                                                        would  be  willing  to  drive
            in  Falmouth,  Massachu-                                                                                            from his home in Connecti-
            setts,  when  the  coach  of                                                                                        cut  to  fill  in.  He'd  have  to
            a  wheelchair  curling  team                                                                                        learn  the  game  between
            noticed  the  former  UConn                                                                                         midnight and 4 a.m., after
            basketball player.                                                                                                  the curling tournament had
            The  shop's  name  was  Pie                                                                                         ended for the day.
            in  the  Sky.  An  interesting                                                                                      No  problem.  The  math
            coincidence, Emt thought,                                                                                           teacher fell in love with the
            when  Tony  Colacchio  ap-                                                                                          angles  of  the  game,  figur-
            proached  him  and  sug-                                                                                            ing out how hard to throw
            gested  that  within  a  year                                                                                       the stone down the ice and
            he  could  turn  Emt  into  a                                                                                       how  much  curl  was  need-
            Paralympic  athlete  in  a                                                                                          ed to make a shot.
            sport he'd never heard of.                                                                                          Colacchio  said  he  was
            It took a few years, but next                                                                                       immediately     impressed
            month, Emt will compete in                                                                                          by  Emt's  dedication.    His
            the  Paralympic  Games  in                                                                                          star  pupil  now  practices
            South Korea as the vice skip                                                                                        about 20 hours a week, ei-
            of the United States curling   Former Connecticut basketball player Steve Emt practices his curling at the Norfolk Curling Club   ther  making  the  five-hour
            team.                        in Norfolk, Conn., Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2018.                                           round-trip  drive  to  Cape
            "The  sport  just  bit  me,"  he                                                                   Associated Press  Cod  or  two  hours  to  clubs
            said.  "With  everything  that                                                                                      in  Norfolk,  Connecticut  or
            has happened to me in life,  Ollie from 1992 to 1994.     What followed were surger-   Emt  to  mentor  a  troubled  Bridgeport.  "The  day  they
            I've learned to stop asking  "Coach  Calhoun  stepped  ies  and  months  of  rehab,  teen. That gave him some  put  that  USA  jacket  on
            why.  Everything  happens  right  in  as  a  father  figure,"  learning  to  open  a  door  direction.  He  wanted  to  him,  he  cried,"  Colacchio
            for a reason."               Emt  said.  "He  became  a  by  himself,  put  clothes  on,  work with kids; he wanted to  said, choking up himself. "I
            He was a student at the U.S.  person  I  could  talk  to,  a  make toast.              be an example.  Emt even-    still  get  emotional  thinking
            Military  Academy  in  when  person who demanded the  "There  were  two  days  at  tually went back to school,  about it." Emt's team leaves
            he  lost  his  father,  a  man  most out of me, showed me  the  beginning  I  couldn't  became  a  math  teacher  this  week.  They  will  spend
            he says was his best friend,  what  it  was  to  never  give  get out of bed. I hit bottom.  and  for  20  years,  a  high  some  time  in  Japan  prac-
            mentor  and  coach.  His  up, to give 100 percent ev-     I  was  questioning  a  lot  of  school  basketball  coach.  ticing  before  the  games.
            dad's death, he said, led to  ery day." Emt said he need-  things," he said. "I was 25. I  He  said  he  never  had  the  The  curling  begins  March
            falling grades at West Point  ed those values, instilled by  could have played profes-  desire  to  play  wheelchair  10. Calhoun said he's con-
            and  a  decision  to  come  his  dad  and  drilled  home  sional basketball in Europe.  basketball.  He  has  tried  vinced Emt can help bring
            home to Hebron, Connect-     by Calhoun to help him sur-  I could have played profes-  several   other   adaptive  home a medal.
            icut,  where  he  was  a  bas-  vive what came next.      sional  soccer.  All  that  was  sports, even racing a hand  "When  things  don't  always
            ketball  and  soccer  star  in  A  year  removed  from  gone.  I  messed  up.  What  cycle in the 2010 New York  go your way, it takes more
            high school.                 UConn,  Emt  lost  his  ability  now?"  Calhoun  gave  him  marathon.                  than the average person to
            Jim   Calhoun     said   he  to  walk  when  he  decided  some advice.                 But  then  in  July  2012  he  overcome it," Calhoun said.
            learned  from  his  players  to  get  into  his  truck  after  "I didn't want people telling  went on vacation to Cape  "Steve's  always  done  that.
            about  this  big,  tough  kid  a  night  of  watching  bas-  him how tough he had it,"  Cod,  and  decided  to  get  So,  I  think  he  can  help  his
            playing  intramural  games  ketball  and  drinking  with  Calhoun  said.  "I  told  him,  some pie.                 teammates,  who  have  all
            at  UConn.  Calhoun,  who  friends at a bar in East Hart-  no, you're not going to play  About  a  week  after  their  been through similar things,
            also  had  lost  his  father  at  ford.    He  drove  off  Inter-  in the NBA, but you weren't  meeting  at  the  pie  shop,  realize,  maybe  when  the
            a  young  age,  gave  the  state  84,  flipped  five  times  going  to  do  that  anyway.  Colacchio  convinced  Emt  times get tougher, 'Hey, we
            6-foot-4, Emt him a chance  into  a  bridge  abutment  So, why not put those good  to come watch an interna-        can do this.'  You know how
            to  walk  on  to  the  Huskies.  going  about  80  mph.    He  things  you  do  have,  your  tional  tournament,  called  people  ask,  'Who  would
            He played with the likes of  broke  most  of  his  ribs  and  mind,  your  toughness,  into  a  bonspiel,  which  was  be-  you  want  in  your  foxhole?
            Ray Allen, Donyell Marshall  his back, severing his spinal  something positive."       ing held on the cape. Dur-   I  would  like  to  have  Steve
            and  current  coach  Kevin  cord.                         A while later a friend asked  ing  that  tournament,  the  Emt in my foxhole."q

            Record-setting Korda wins LPGA Thailand

            CHONBURI, Thailand (AP) —  by Amy Yang of South Ko-       since winning in Malaysia in  come  back  in  this  event  has been playing amazing,
            Florida's Jessica Korda set a  rea in 2017.               2015.                        exactly where I started my  along  with  a  lot  of  other
            tournament  record  to  win  "It's  an  incredible  thing  to  Ranked No. 26, Korda had  rookie year in 2011. I don't  people. So that's what I did.
            the  LPGA  Thailand  at  the  be  able  to  win  again.  I  surgery  on  an  overbite  in  think I could have asked for  I just went after it," said No.
            Siam Country Club Pattaya  haven't  won  in  two  years.  December  and  was  play-    a better win," she said.     4-ranked Thompson.
            Old Course on Sunday.        And  who  knows?  It's  so  ing  in  her  first  tournament  Thompson,  who  won  here  Moriya, the 2013 Rookie of
            Korda held off Lexi Thomp-   hard  out  here.  These  girls  since November.           in 2016, turned in a bogey  the Year, almost caught up
            son and local hope Moriya  are  so  good.  I  mean,  look  "I just came with no expec-  free  round  that  included  with Korda after nine holes
            Jutanugarn for a four-stroke  at the scoreboard. I had to  tations after surgery. It's re-  eight birdies to sign off with  when  she  closed  to  within
            win  after  a  final-round  67  shoot 25 under just to win,"  ally  hard  for  me  to  move.  a 64 for a 21 under 267.  two  shots,  but  her  chal-
            for an overall total of 25 un-  said  Korda  after  claiming  All  this  stuff  is  just  still  re-  "I  had  to  just  fire  at  every-  lenge faded and she failed
            der 263, smashing the pre-   her fifth LPGA win.          ally hard, but I'm really, re-  thing today and make a lot  to become the first Thai win-
            vious mark of 22 under set  It  was  Korda's  first  trophy  ally  happy  that  I  chose  to  of  birdies  because  Jessica  ner of the tournament.q
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