Page 170 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 170
Physical Therapy
Restore function by:
Range of Motion
Strengthening Exercises
Balance Exercises
Gait Training
Falls Risk Management
Cardiopulmonary Therapy
Chest Physical Therapy
Neuromuscular Facilitation
Vestibular Therapy
Home Environment Modification
Address DME Needs
OASIS Item Triggers for PT
If at SOC or ROC the patient has deficits in any of the following
items, Physical therapy is indicated:
(M1860) Ambulation/locomotion
(M1850) Transferring
(M1840) Toilet Transferring
(M1910) Falls Risk Assessment
(M1400) Short of Breath
(M1810) Dressing Upper Body
(M1820) Dressing Lower Body
(M1242) Pain
(M1308) & M1322 Pressure Ulcers
If the answer to these questions are anything other than a zero, you
may consider a PT referral. Zero indicates no deficit in area of