Page 173 - CHHA Binder 2.3.20
P. 173
OASIS Items Triggers for O.T.
At SOC or ROC the patient has deficits in any of the following
items, Occupational therapy is indicated:
ADL Deficits: Cognition & Vision:
(M1800) Grooming (M1710) When Confused
(M1810) Dressing Upper Body (M1740) Cognition, Behavioral,
(M1820) Dressing Lower Body Psychiatric Symptoms
(M1830) Bathing (M1200) Vision
(M1880) Plan & Prepare Light
Meals If the answer to these questions
are anything other than a zero, you
M1308 & M1322 Pressure Ulcers may consider an OT referral. Zero
indicates no deficit in area of
M1630 Bowel Ostomy performance.
M2030 Injectable Medications
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Speech Language Pathology