Page 173 - ESSAY WRITING - 4 September 2019
P. 173



                    4.  Hybrid cars are good for the environment and good for the consumer.  Hybrid
                        batteries help to reduce fuel emissions because the hybrid engine draws on the

                        battery when accelerating.   It does  not draw  on  the  gasoline.  Hybrid gasoline
                        motors  can  shut  off  when  the  car  is  stopped  and  run  off  their
                        electricity. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the single most
                        polluting activity most of us do is to drive a gasoline powered car.  Cars are the
                        largest  contributor  to  ground-level  ozone,  a  major  component  of  smog.   In

                        urban areas, 90% of carbon monoxide is contributed by non-hybrid cars.  Hybrid
                        cars can reduce smog by 90% and use much less gas.
                                                                       Adapted from:


                    5.  Electronic waste, also known as e-scrap or e-waste, refers to electronic devices or
                        machines  that  have  been  thrown  away. E-waste  poses a  real problem  because
                        some  people  believe  it  contains  hazardous  chemicals  and  materials  that  are
                        harmful  to  the  environment.  This  problem  is  significant  as  the  amount  of  e-
                        waste seems to be getting very large. In 2007, for example, the United States’

                        Environmental  Protection  Agency  or  EPA  (a  government  body
                        that enforces environmental  laws)  estimated  that  about  41  million  computers
                        were  thrown  away  that  year.  They  also  claimed  that  the  United  States  alone

                        produced around 3 million tons of e-waste. Worldwide, it estimates that 20 to 50
                        million tons of e-waste are generated every year.
                                                                              Adapted from:



          Exercise 7  Writing a first draft

                    Review your outline. Then write your first draft of a five-paragraph reaction
                    essay in response to article of ‘Refugee’ on page 148.

                                                                                         Reaction Essay  171
   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178