Page 6 - HP2A 010 Rapunzel
P. 6

One day, the woman saw through   behind our house, I shall die,” she

 the window the most beautiful   said.

 rampion. It looked very fresh and    The man knew he had to do the

 colorful. She had a great desire to eat   impossible to get the rampion before

 or at least try a little bit of  it. Her   her wife got worse. In the twilight

 desire grew bigger day by day, but   of  the evening, the man climbed

 this unfortunate woman knew that   the wall and picked up a handful of

 she would never be able to get any   rampions. He hastily climbed back

 of  it. As time passed, her husband   the wall and went back to his house.

 noticed how miserable she looked.   He gave his lovely wife the precious

 She started eating less and always   rampions she had been imagining

 talked to him about the beautiful   during the last couple of  days. She

 rampion laying in the garden.   immediately made a salad with it and

 “If  I can’t have some of  the rampion   ate it.
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