Page 9 - HP2A 010 Rapunzel
P. 9

“How can you dare to steal my

            rampion? You shall suffer for it!” said

            the enchantress.

             “Have mercy on me! I only took it

            out of  necessity. My wife will die if

            she doesn’t have rampion!” replied the


             The witch forgave the man and

            allowed him to take as much rampion

            as he wanted with one condition.

            He had to give the child his wife                                                                                            consequences this would bring. When

            would bring into the world to the                                                                                            his wife gave birth to their only child,

            witch. The scared man agreed to the                                                                                          the enchantress appeared. She named

            terms without thinking about the                                                                                             her Rapunzel and took her away from

                                                                                                                                         their house.
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