Page 4 - HP2B 002 God of the Sun Ra
P. 4

one of  the major state god Horus

 to become Ra-Horakhty. He not

 only represented the sun, but now

 ruled all parts of  the created world

 including the sky, earth, and the

 underworld. Portrayed with the head

 of  a falcon, there are many images

 that differentiate Ra-Horakhty from   Ra. All embodiments of  life were

 Horus himself  as images would show   believed to have been created by Ra

 a sun disk above the figure instead   himself, as he called each of  them

 of  the usual Pschent headdress that   into existence by speaking their

 Horus would be shown wearing. He   secret names. Humanity was also

 also later merged with another god   created from the tears and sweat

 called Amun to represent Amun-  of  Ra, thus the Egyptians called
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