Page 8 - HP2B 002 God of the Sun Ra
P. 8

upon the collaboration and balance   on two boats. One was called Madjet,

 between the three elements. Sekhmet   which meant, “becoming strong”, and

 is another god created from the fire   Semektet, which meant “becoming

 in Ra’s eye, and is also the eye itself.   strong”. As these two took Ra on

 In the myth of  the Celestial Cow   his journey through the sky and the

 when mankind plotted against Ra,   underworld, he was accompanied

 he sent Sekhmet to punish mankind.   by many of  his children. During

 However she became too bloodthirsty   his journey in the underworld Ra

 that eventually Ra had to pacify her.   could visit all of  his various forms.

 She later on received a new name   Thus we are able to note that he is

 called Hathor.   an omnipotent being that is capable

         of  being not just one but many.

 The Underworld  He would travel during the day

 Ra traveled through the underworld   on Madjet peering down upon his
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