Page 22 - Reading Success B3
P. 22

Reading Questions

                         Choose the best answer.

                           1. What was pottery not used for in the Neolithic age?

                             a. containers for hauling water
                             b. containers for storing oil
                             c. pots for storing grain
                             d. to feed chickens dried food

                           2. In the passage, what happened last?

                             a. When baked at a high temperature, the clay hardened and turned into
                             b. The development of pottery helped address many needs of people in the
                                Neolithic age.
                             c. Pots were also used for cooking and storing grain.
                             d. The earliest pottery products were made entirely by hand.

                           3. What did a potter’s wheel do?
                             a. It helped to address many needs people had in the Neolithic age.
                             b. It helped to make shaping pottery easier.
                             c. It helped to preserve dried foods and seeds.
                             d. It helped to make shaping pottery slower.

                           4. How is the pottery from the early part of the Neolithic age different from
                             the latter?
                             a. It helped to address the many needs of people.
                             b. It provided containers for hauling water and storing oil.
                             c. Containers protected foods from moisture, insects, chicken, and mice.
                             d. The pottery products were made entirely by hand in the early part of the

                                Neolithic age.

                           5. Predict what would happen if there were no pottery containers to store
                             food in.
                             a. The food would get moist.

                             b. Chickens would eat the food.
                             c. Insects and mice would eat it.
                             d. all of the above

                           6. The word  moisture     means
                             a. dampness

                             b. sulking
                             c. pureness
                             d. spoiled
                                                                                                     unit 4_25
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