Page 7 - HP1A 004 Guatemalan History
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have small villages of farmers who are from the Pre-Olmec culture.
kept on moving and did not live in Researchers believe that the Olmec
one place for a long time. However, culture was the first culture to
the recent monumental architecture connect many other cultures. They
discoveries from that period, like an were the ancestors of all the other
altar in La Blanca, proved it wrong. cultures in the region. Many sites
Citizens from The Pre-classic period in Guatemala were made based on
would stay in one place long enough the Olmecs. Temples in Petén or
to get resources and create huge Suchitepéquez were made similarly
altars. like the Olmec stones found in
Giant stone heads have been found in Escuintla.
Monte Alto in Escuintla, Guatemala. During the Classic period, the
These stones date back to 1800 Mayan civilization prevailed in
BC. It is believed that these stones Mesoamerica. Many sites have