Page 3 - HP3A 003 The Regions of Chile
P. 3

even though the country is not an

             island. Why is this?  The answer

             is simple. Chile is bordered on the

             north, west, south and east by very

             strong and defining natural borders.

             In the north one finds the Atacama

             desert,  which  is  said  to  be  the

             world’s driest. In the west one finds                                                                                       historic isolation.

             the enormity of  the Pacific Ocean.

             In the east one runs into the mighty                                                                                        Since the 1970s, Chile has been

             Andes mountains, and in the south,                                                                                          divided into what are now 15

             the impenetrable Antarctica. These                                                                                          different administrative units, each

             factors help to contribute to Chile’s                                                                                       with its own specific geography

             unique geographical conditions and                                                                                          and identity. Let’s take a look at the
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