Page 7 - HP3A 003 The Regions of Chile
P. 7

Antofagasta region, with its capital

            The next region south is the                                                                                                 port city of  Antofagasta. This region

            Tarapacá Region, with its capital                                                                                            is the first, when traveling from

            free port city of  Iquique. Iquique had                                                                                      the north, to border Chie’s larger

            once belonged to Peru, and also has                                                                                          neighbor to the east, Argentina.

            witnessed many strong earthquakes                                                                                            This region was also famous for its

            in its history, most recently in 2014.                                                                                       copper mining, which has long been

            Salt mining was once very important                                                                                          Chile’s main export and one of  its

            in this part of  Chile, and today one                                                                                        main sources of  income. To the east

            finds many abandoned salt mining                                                                                             of  the capital is the center of  the

            sites.                                                                                                                       Atacama desert, which, as previously

                                                                                                                                         stated, is the driest desert in the

            Traveling further south one comes                                                                                            world. The beloved tourist site San

            to Chile’s third largest region, the                                                                                         Pedro de Atacama is located in this
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