Page 4 - HP3B 001 The Blue Light
P. 4

a royal guard. Then the soldier did

 not know how to earn a living, went

 away into the wild, where he would

 walk the whole day, until he entered

 a deep and dark forest. He moved

 closer and closer into the darkness,

 but then he later saw a light, which

 he went up to, and came to a house   him that he could stay under one

 where witch lived.  The solider   condition; he must dig all around her

 asked the witch kindly to take him   garden tomorrow morning after he

 in for the night and supply him with   wakes. The soldier agreed and one

 something to eat and drink for he   the next day he worked with all his

 would starve and die if  he stays   strength, but could not finish it by

 out one more day. The witch told   the evening.
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