Page 7 - HP3B 001 The Blue Light
P. 7

never goes out, and you shall bring it                                                                                       well.

            up again." Next day the old woman                                                                                             The solider fell back into the well

            led the solider to the well, and let                                                                                         thankfully unharmed with the blue

            him down in a basket. He found the                                                                                           light still burning in his hand, but of

            blue light, and made her a signal to                                                                                         what use was that to him. He needed

            draw him up again. She did draw him                                                                                          to find a way for if  he said he would

            up, but when he came near the edge,                                                                                          be a goner for sure. He sat for a while

            she stretched down her hand and                                                                                              in disperse, then suddenly felt in his

            wanted to take the blue light away                                                                                           pocket and found his tobacco pipe,

            from him. The solider denied giving                                                                                          which was still half  full. He began

            her the light until he was on solid                                                                                          to light the pipe with the blue flame

            grounds back out of  the well. The                                                                                           for it would be his last act before

            witch frustrated let go of  the basket                                                                                       dying. When the smoke had circled

            and let the solider fall back into the                                                                                       about the cavern, a little black dwarf
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