Page 7 - HP1A 008 American Civil War
P. 7

because he was against slavery and                                                                                           back up Sumter and resupply it.

            after three months, seven southern                                                                                           However, Confederate troops decided

            states-  South Carolina, Florida,                                                                                            to fire gunshots, which were the

            Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, Texas,                                                                                          first artillery fires to be shot on the

            and Mississippi- had seceded from                                                                                            Civil War. Because Fort Sumter

            the United States.                                                                                                           could not handle the bombardment,

                                                                                                                                         commander Major Robert Anderson

            Chapter 2: Start of  the War                                                                                                 had no other choice but to surrender

            Even though Lincoln tried to                                                                                                 after two days. This left the fort to

            stop slavery, Confederate forces                                                                                             be handled and controlled by the

            threatened the federal-held Fort                                                                                             Confederate forces under Pierre G.T.

            Sumter  in  Charleston,  South                                                                                               Beauregard. After this event, four

            Carolina. Later on April 12, Lincoln                                                                                         more southern states- Arkansas,

            had ordered a fleet of  soldiers to                                                                                          North Carolina, Virginia, and
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