Page 12 - HP3A 004 Miss Lou
P. 12

She wanted to let people know about

         Jamaican culture, language and art.

            Miss Lou was particularly proud

         of  this accomplishment because

         the BBC was broadcast all over the

         world, including in Jamaica. This

         meant that her family and friends

         in Jamaica would also be able to

 her what she wanted the show to be   listen. After a few years and after

 about and she said that she wanted   becoming successful in England,

 to talk about Jamaican culture. She   Miss Lou decided it was time to go

 realized that people had a one-sided   home. As much as she loved England

 idea of  what Jamaica was like, but   and all the friends she made there,

 she wanted to offer a different view.   she missed the warm breeze, the
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