Page 8 - HP3A 004 Miss Lou
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and about the tradition of oral Black and the first Jamaican student
storytelling. It was around this time to attend the school.
that Miss Lou began writing her Because of her hard work unique
own poems. She sent her first set of writing and bubbly personality,
poems to the editor of the Jamaica the British Council awarded her
Gleaner, which is the national with a full scholarship. This was
newspaper. Much to her surprise, an honor that she did not take for
the editor published her poems in granted. While studying at the
the Sunday copy of the newspaper. Royal Academy, Miss Lou used the
This motivated her to keep writing. writing and storytelling skills she
In 1943, Miss Lou sent in an learned at school and continued to
application for the Royal Academy write stories and poems which she
of Dramatic Art in England and she would perform for her school mates.
was accepted. This made her the first She was involved with the theatre