Page 4 - HP3A 004 Miss Lou
P. 4

as proud of  speaking it as they did

 about speaking English.

    Miss Lou was born on September

 7, 1919 in Kingston, Jamaica. Her

 mother was a dressmaker and her

 father owned a bakery. She was their

 only child. They adored and were

 very proud of  her.  When she was a   to be a teacher, so she, too could tell

 little girl, Miss Lou loved listening   stories and teach people.

 to stories her grandmother and      Miss Lou went to school in

 teachers told her. She especially   Kingston and was a very good

 loved Jamaican folktales of  Anansi   student. The subject that she did

 the spider, Duppy(Ghost) stories and   her best in was English. She loved

 others. She decided that she wanted   reading and writing stories to read
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