Page 3 - HP2B 001 River Mumma
P. 3

The River Mumma is also

             known as River Mama or River

             Maiden. The River  Mumma's

             story is originally from West

             Africa, whe re  she is call ed

             Mammy Wata (Mammy  Water/

             Mother Water). When the Europeans                                                                                           that River Mumma has the upper

             brought slaves from Africa to the                                                                                           body of  a beautiful young woman

             Caribbean, the African people                                                                                               and the lower body of  a fish or more

             brought with them their religions,                                                                                          commonly a mermaid. It is said that

             customs, tales and stories. Because                                                                                         instead of  the sea being her home,

             the story was carried over by many                                                                                          she inhabits the many rivers in

             types of  West Africans, the story has                                                                                      Jamaica.

             some degree of  variation. It is said
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