Page 9 - HP1A 011 Revolutionary War
P. 9
Continental Congress voted to meet meet again in Philadelphia making
again in May of 1775 to consult for it the Second Continental Congress
future plans, but this meeting was with new members, Benjamin
at the same time violence and chaos Franklin and Thomas Jefferson.
broke up in the Americas. On April The meeting was held to help form
19th, the settles made contact with a Continental Army to fight off the
the British soldiers in Lexington British with George Washington
and Concord, Massachusetts which as the commander in chief. On
started the first shots fired in the June 17th, the first major battle
Revolutionary War. took place where the newly formed
Continental Army fought back the
Chapter 2: Declaring Independence British army with its commander
General William Howe at Breed's
Later on the Continental Congress Hill in Boston. The famous battle