Page 4 - HP1A 011 Revolutionary War
P. 4

were meet with violence and                                                                                                 government to reassert imperial

             death, which made the relationship                                                                                          authority int Massachusetts.

             between the two counties more

             heated than ever. One case can be                                                                                             One of  the most well-known

             seen with the Boston Massacre in                                                                                            traitor of  the American revolution

             1770, when the British soldiers                                                                                             was General Benedict Arnold as was

             opened fire on a crowed killing 5                                                                                           responsible for the Revolutionary

             men. The Americans answered with                                                                                            War as he was the one who got a

             a revolution themselves by dressing                                                                                         group of  rebels to lead forces into

             up as Mohawk Indians and dumped                                                                                             capturing Fort Ticonderoga in

             hundreds of  chests filled with tea                                                                                         May of  1775. In response, a group

             into the Boston Harbor, this act of                                                                                         of  American delegates including,

             treason was meet with very strict                                                                                           George Washington, John Adams,

             acts which imposed the British                                                                                              Samuel Adams, and Patrick Henry
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