Page 4 - HP3A 002 The Legend of Atlantis
P. 4

of  the people even today. Because

 of  generalizations given in the texts

 concerning the possible locations

 of  Atlantis, interpreters today still

 search for this city.

 Plato’s dialogues

 The first time that Atlantis was   so that each deity might have their

 mentioned was in one of  Plato’s   own lot. Atlantis was bequeathed

 dialogues called the Timaeus and   to Poseidon. The island was larger

 Critias. It speaks of  a certain   than Ancient Libya and Asia Minor

 adventurer who finds ancient text on   combined, but it was later sunk

 Atlantis within Egyptian scriptures.   by an earthquake and became an

 The deities of  old divided the land   impassable mud shoal, inhibiting
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