Page 7 - HP3A 002 The Legend of Atlantis
P. 7
Ocean”. The other twins were also the mountains. Everything was
given other islands and lands so carved from what already existed.
that they could rule over many The Atlantean Empire conquered
men, and a large territory. Poseidon outwards and eventually conquered
created a palace where Cleito stayed as far as the Tyrrhenia empire,
at and surrounded it with three and subjected all those who they
circular moats of increasing width. conquered into slavery. In response
The Atlanteans then continued the the Athenians raised an alliance with
creation, by building bridges that the resistors of the Atlantean empire
spread from the north side of the and sought to fight against the reign
mountain, making a route to the rest of this empire. However in a single
of the island. They dug canals to day violent earthquakes and floods
the sea and allowed for huge ships to happened and the mighty empire of
come in and out of the city through Atlantis disappeared into the sea, like