Page 56 - Mosaic HCM - Workforce Ready Product Sheets
P. 56
Platform Features
Scheduling Solution
Build Manage
Workload planning* — automatically generate shifts based on Schedule change alerts and notifications
imported business data
Skill tracking
Optimized schedule generation — take a step beyond simply
meeting constraints and achieve business goals such as lowering Credential and certification tracking*
cost, reducing overtime, meeting employee preferences and
much more, Staff management drag-and-drop shift transfer
Budget and workload definition Call list
Shift and schedule definition Employee availability and preferences
Schedule rule and constraints definition Fatigue management
Manual schedule planning and editing Open-shift management — automatically displays the available
employees who meet shift criteria, allowing the shift to be offered
Schedule pattern templates and accepted by those employees within a predefined time frame
Employee self-service: request coverage
Fill Employee self-service: shift swap
Schedule groups or individuals Employee self-service: request open shift
Schedule to skill and proficiency Timesheet sync** — ensure schedules are posted to
employees’ timesheets
Open-shift visibility
Employee self-service: approve schedule changes (where secure
Automatic shift assignment — have the system automatically scheduling ordinances apply)
assign shifts based on several important factors such as availabil-
ity, skills, location, and much more
Color-coded availability
Drag-and-drop fill Reporting
Coverage graph and metrics
Mobile Application Detailed audit trails
View schedule Planned-to-actual schedule metrics
Swap shifts (peer approvals available)
Coverage requests
Open shift requests Schedule changes
Shift swap requests
Coverage requests
Open shifts posted
Open shifts requested
*Add-on functionality required
**Applicable only if the Timekeeping module is being licensed