Page 13 - kaleido
P. 13

Global warming is caused by                            While experiencing some of the

                                                                                                                                  human activities like burning                          hottest summers on record,

                                                                                                                                  fossil fuels, deforestation, and                       much of the United States has

                                                                                                                                  farming.                                               also been experiencing colder-

                                                                                                                                  One of the first things the IPCC                       than-normal winters. One of the

                                                                                                                                  learned is that there are several                      most dramatic effects of global

          Mona Ali – 5G                                                                                                           greenhouse gases responsible                           warming is the reduction in
         T                                                                                                                        them in a variety of ways. Most                        low extents in both the fall and
                                                                                                                                                                                         Arctic iceberg. It hits record-
                                                                                                                                  for warming, and humans emit
                        here  was  a  girl  named   Maria  replied:  "Are  you  stupid?

                                                                                                                                                                                         winter of 2015 and 2016, mean-
                        Emma, her dream was to  Of  course  it  won’t  answer!"  But
                                                                                                                                  come from the combustion of
                                                                                                                                                                                         ing that at the time when the ice
                        explore  the  forest  near  guess what? The tree answered!!!
                                                                                                                                  fossil fuels in cars, factories
                        that was near her house.
                                                                                                                                                                                         was lagging.
         One  day,  her  parents  went  to  the                It said: "Hi, Emma and Maria how                                   and electricity production. The                        is supposed to be at its peak, it
                                                                                                                                  gas responsible for the most
                                                               are you?" Emma answered: "Fine,
         doctor because Emma’s sister, Lu-                     can I ask you a question?"                                         warming is carbon dioxide.
         cy, was very sick and they left Em-                                                                                                        nother major cause

         ma alone.                                             The tree: "Yes, of course, you can.
                                                               What is it?"                                                                         is deforestation is
         Emma was very bored, so she went                                                                                                           clearing Earth's

         to  her  neighbor’s  house,  Maria.                   Emma asked: "Why are you differ-                                   A sts on a mas-
         They started thinking about explor-                   ent than all the trees in the forest?"                             sive scale, often resulting in

         ing the forest and they agreed to it.                 The  tree:  "Because  I'm  a  magic                                damage to the quality of the

         When they went to explore it, they                    tree and you are the only two girls                                land. Forests still cover about

         found a very strange tree, it was a                   that  saw  me. You  are  very  coura-                              30 percent of the world’s land
         snow tree during summer. As soon                      geous!"                                                            area, but  swaths half the size of

         as  they  saw  it  Maria  felt  very  The tree gave them a present. She                                                  England are lost each year.
         scared  and  was  hesitant  about  ex- also  told  them  to  visit  her  every                                           The world’s rainforests could

         ploring, so Emma told her: "Maria  week, and she will give them gifts                                                    completely vanish in a hundred

         our dream was to explore this for- every time. They kept visiting her,                                                   years at the current rate of de-

         est,  and  now  when  we  are  finally  and she kept her promise and gave                                                forestation. Extreme weather is

         exploring it you want to go back?  them presents every time they vis-                                                    an effect of global warming.
         Of  course,  we  won’t  do  that.  Let  ited her.

         me talk to the tree."
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