Page 12 - kaleido
P. 12
AL-Jouri Khalid - 9G O n Wednesday
S the most heinous ways and in- 8:00 a.m., food festi-
October 18 , 2017 at
ince the dawn of the
human civilization,
crease factories that are the
val was inaugurated.
main cause of the problem that
humans came across
This day was so im-
the fact that their irre-
which is global warming.
sponsible actions towards na- will be dealt with this subject, portant, because we
want the students to
ture will have severe conse- be aware of healthy
quences. But despite all the food and what happens if when Allah mentioned in the Quran the
damage, humans are still taking Global warming is a slow you waste food .There are lot of importance of fruits and its bene-
advantage of all the natural re- steady rise in Earth's surface countries like Somalia, Yemen, fits. One of the verse says:
sources. They are taking ad- temperature. Temperatures to- South Sudan, Nigeria, and more َ
vantage of things they do not day are 0.74 °C (1.33 °F) high- who are in need of food. Moreo- ً َليخَّنلا َ و َنوتيَّزلا َ و َعرَّزلا ِهب مُكل ُتبنُي
even need. They refuse to real- er than 150 years ago. Many ver, our main goal was to sell and ةَي َ لَ َكِلذ يف َّنِإ ِتارَمثلا ِّلُك نِم َ و َ بانعلأا َ و
ize that there are other creatures scientists say that in the next educate about healthy foods ﴾ ١١ ﴿ َنورَّكفَتَي ٍ موقِل
living with them on the same 100–200 years, temperatures among students. Our class, grade At the end of the day, most of our
planet. They do not care about might be up to 6 °C (11 °F) nine, was selling healthy shakes. Al Resala students were educated
the obvious signs of their atroc- higher than they were before We had Awargalb, fresh juices, about the importance of healthy
food .They also learnt not to waste
ities. Every day, they cut down the effects of global warming fruit salads and milk shakes. These food, instead they can share it with
trees and kill living creatures in were discovered. drinks are made with fruits and are those who are in need of it.
rich in vitamins and calcium.