Page 17 - kaleido
P. 17
We were all having fun except ly agreed. We sneaked out of my
Taylor, he was still thinking about house at eleven o’clock pm. When
the creepy woman. I was really we entered, Grayson decided to
Jana Al Jeri - 9G
concerned about him, so I asked split up. Grayson and I went up-
him “Hey what’s wrong, you’re stairs, while Cameron and Taylor
so quiet today?” “Oh, it’s nothing. were downstairs. As we were
I’m just thinking”, he replied. Af- heading up stairs, the stairs were
ter dinner, we got back to my broken down, and had bones all
house. In front of my house, there over the place. We saw a bath-
Have you ever been in a haunted house? was a haunted house. When we room and we entered, and saw a
arrived, Cameron dared us to en- bathtub filled with blood. While I
so long that it was covering her ter and explore it. Grayson was was looking closer at the tub, a
W , one night, Camer- face. She was following us. Tay- down to explore it. I was a bit hand popped up. I got really
on, Taylor, Grayson, and I dared lor didn’t believe what he saw, so scared, but I really wanted to go. scared, that I screamed and ran
ourselves to go to a haunted he closed his eyes, then opened On the other hand, out of the bathroom. While, Cam-
house. It was a late afternoon, and at that moment she was gone. Taylor was really scared and did- eron and Taylor were walking to
while my friends and I were going He was so afraid that he was quiet n’t want to go, because he was the living room, and all of a sud-
to a fancy Italian restaurant. On all the way to the restaurant. We terrified from the creepy woman. den a picture frame fell on the
the way, Taylor saw a woman arrived to the restaurant and or- We talked to him and convinced ground. They both looked down,
wearing all white and her hair was dered pizza, pasta, and risotto. him to come with us, and he final- and suddenly the floor just