Page 7 - kaleido
P. 7
through – these robots could suc-
cessfully point out to another hu-
man, even if they do not always un-
derstand what you are saying.
Another robot vacuums the carpeted
hallways of the main press center in
Pyeongchang. Spherical and glossy
white, the vacuum speaks to pass-
ersby in a woman's voice. This vac-
uum also plays jaunty music while
its two front brushes swirl, clearing
dust and dirt like a futuristic street-
The robots are in a unique and sen-
sitive position at the Olympics. Or-
Rayaan Meshal - 5G ganizers want them to represent
T could talk at the same time." South Korea's technical prowess.
here was a high school
Day by day the world is getting
girl named Sheri. She
Emma and Amy laughed.
advanced with technology. Will the
loves detectives and in-
vestigations. Sheri and her
the walking skeleton in the science
will be controlled by Robots????
friends Emily, Chloe, and twins Em- Chloe said: "The mysteries are #1 world come to a state where humans
ma and Amy .Their voices sound lab, #2 the sparkling eye in the Weird and scary……………is it
different but they talk at the same painting on the art room's wall." not??
time. Emily completed: "#3 The sound
that comes from the locked theater,
At the end of the school day Emily #4 the principal's assistant that has
said: "There is a ghost in the disappeared."
school." Chloe added: "It's actually a
mystery." Emma and Amy during Sheri said: "Come to my house to-
the same time said: "They're 4 actu- day and we'll talk about it." When
ally." Sheri's friends came to her house
they decided to go to the school at
Emily and Chloe added: "Wow! You midnight.