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A  l Resala Bilingual School has made

         a wonderful journey over the span of last

         9 years from September, 2009.What

         makes the journey more special is our fo-
         cus on all round development of our chil-

         dren and professional development of our

         faculty. During the last years I have had

         privilege of observing, learning and un-

         derstanding the various facets of children.

         Each child is a blessing, a unique gift

         from Allah. Our children and their future
         is in our hands. I am happy to see my

         teachers and parents who have always

         stood steadfast beside me to help the

         school achieve its mission and vision, to

         continue doing what they have done, to                                                                            G12 are rearranging Books at the School Library

         help us attain the future that we perceive
         and desire.  Students, especially the first

         batch of Grade 12- SENIORS’ 18 , the

         world is out there for you. Conquer it

         without getting intimidated by anyone or

         anything. Everyone is capable of achiev-

         ing what your heart and mind sets out to
         achieve, only if you would learn what we

         have to give, and accept the reality and

         understand why we are sharing values.

          Ms. Siham Ayesh


         Middle and High School
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