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G11 & 12
Novel Club
Novel Club is an outdoor activity that takes place twice yearly at the end
of each semester to reflect upon the main themes of the novel.
For the past 9 years of its existence our school, has established itself as a
premier institution of learning, providing high quality education, and I
consider it my proud privilege to be associated with such a prestigious in-
We strive to make education at our school, a total experience
wherein students slog for success, participate in all school activi-
ties with enthusiasm, and yet actively involve themselves with
community service projects.
We have our dreams, ambitions and aspirations to convert these into tan-
gible realities of our goal. I feel highly indebted to the parents of our chil-
dren who have constantly encouraged us in all our endeavours with their
unconditional support .I would like to thank my staff for their commenda-
ble contribution, commitment and grit in making the campus, a campus of
standing and repute.
Somaya AL-Mutawa