Page 183 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 183

Grantor trust

                                      1                                                  Income earned by a grantor trust is
                                                                                             taxable to the grantor, not the
                                                               2                             beneficiary, if the grantor keeps

                                                                                             certain control over the trust. (The

                                                                                             grantor is the one who transferred
                                                                                             property to the trust.)
                                                                                         This rule applies if the property (or
                              4                                                              income from the property) put into
                                                                                             the trust will or may revert (be
                                                                                             returned) to the grantor or the
                                                         3                               Generally, a trust is a grantor trust if
                                                                                             grantor's spouse.

                                                                                             the grantor has a reversionary

                                                                                             interest valued (at the date of
                                                                                             transfer) at more than 5% of the
                                                                                             value of the transferred property.

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