Page 188 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 188

Foster Care Providers

              Generally, payment you
               receive from a state,
               political subdivision, or a                                                             A qualified foster
               qualified foster care                                                                    individual is a person
               placement agency for                                                                     who:
               caring for a qualified                                                                      1. Is living in a foster
               foster individual in your                                                                   family home; and

               home is excluded from                                Foster
               your income.                                          Care

            •   However, you must include
                in your income payment to

                the extent it’s received for                                                        2. Was placed there by:
                the care of more than five                                                                 a.   An agency of a
                qualified foster individuals                                                                    state or one of its
                age 19 years or older.                                                                          political
                                                                                                                subdivisions, or
                                                                                                           b.   b. A qualified
                                                                                                                foster care

                                                                                                                agency.             186
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