Page 208 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 208

Other Income

    Payment for Services

     In most cases, you must include in                                                                Sale of home.
       income the part of any scholarship or
       fellowship that represents payment for                                                            You may be able to exclude from
       past, present, or future teaching,                                                                 income all or part of any gain from the
       research, or other services.                                                                       sale or exchange of your main home.
     This applies even if all candidates for a                                                          See Pub. 523.
       degree must perform the services to
       receive the degree.                                              01
     For information about the rules that
       apply to a tax-free qualified tuition
       reduction provided to employees and
       their families by an educational
       institution, see Pub. 970.                                    Other
                                                        04                             02
                                                                   Income                              Sale of personal items.

  Scholarships and fellowships.                                                                         If you sold an item you owned for

   A candidate for a degree can exclude                                                                 personal use, such as a car, refrigerator,
     amounts received as a qualified scholarship or                     03                               furniture, stereo, jewelry, or silverware,
     fellowship. A qualified scholarship or                                                              your gain is taxable as a capital gain.
     fellowship is any amount you receive that’s                                                        Report it as explained in the Instructions
     for:                                                                                                for Schedule D (Form 1040). You can’t
         • Tuition and fees to enroll at or attend                                                       deduct a loss.
         an educational institution; or                                                                 However, if you sold an item you held
         • Fees, books, supplies, and equipment                                                          for investment, such as gold or silver
         required for courses at the educational                                                         bullion, coins, or gems, any gain is
         institution. Amounts used for room and                                                          taxable as a capital gain and any loss is
         board don’t qualify for the exclusion.                                                          deductible as a capital loss.
   See Pub. 970 for more information on                                                                                              206
     qualified scholarships and fellowship grants.
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