Page 209 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 209

Other Income

          You must verify and report other income in taxes

           Department of                            Prizes                     Sharing/Gig Economy                    Stolen Property
        Veterans Affairs (VA)                                                  Generally, if you work in the
              payments.                 Scholarship prizes won in a                                                   If you steal
                                          contest aren’t scholarships or        gig economy or did gig work,            property, you must

          Allowances paid by             fellowships if you don’t have to      you must include all income             report its fair
           the VA aren’t                  use the prizes for educational        received from all jobs                  market value in
                                                                                whether you received a Form
           included in your             You must include these                 1099-K, Payment Card and                your income in the
           income.                        amounts in your income on             Third-Party Network                     year you steal it
          These allowances               Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 8,       Transactions, or not.                   unless you return
           aren’t considered              whether or not you use the           See the Instructions for                it to its rightful
           scholarship or                 amounts for educational               Schedule C (Form 1040) and              owner in the same
           fellowship grants.             purposes.                             the Instructions for Schedule           year.      207
                                                                                SE (Form 1040).
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