Page 210 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 210

Other Income

   Utility Rebates.                                                                                     Transporting school

    If you’re a customer of an electric utility
     company and you participate in the utility's                                                        Don’t include in your income a
     energy conservation program, you may                                                                  school board mileage allowance
     receive on your monthly electric bill either:                                                         for taking children to and from
          • A reduction in the purchase price of                        01                                 school if you aren’t in the
          electricity furnished to you (rate                                                               business of taking children to
          reduction), or                                                                                   school.
          • A nonrefundable credit against the                                                           You can’t deduct expenses for
          purchase price of the electricity. The                                                           providing this transportation.
          amount of the rate reduction or                           Other
          nonrefundable credit isn’t included in        04                             02
          your income.                                             Income

    Strike and lockout benefits.                                        03                              Union benefits and

     Benefits paid to you by a union as strike or
      lockout benefits, including both cash and
      the fair market value of other property,                                                           Amounts deducted from your
      are usually included in your income as                                                              pay for union dues,
      compensation.                                                                                       assessments, contributions,
     You can exclude these benefits from your                                                            or other payments to a union
      income only when the facts clearly show                                                             can’t be excluded from your
      that the union intended them as gifts to                                                            income.
      you.                                                                                                                            208
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