Page 72 - Other Income for Individuals
P. 72

Public Safety Officer Killed or Injured in the Line of Duty

                                                                   A spouse, former spouse, and child of a public safety
                                                                      officer killed in the line of duty can exclude from gross

                                                                      income survivor benefits received from a
                                                                      governmental section 401(a) plan attributable to the

                                                                      officer’s service.
                                                                   See section 101(h). A public safety officer who’s
                                                                      permanently and totally disabled or killed in the line

                                                                      of duty and a surviving spouse or child can exclude
                                                                      from income death or disability benefits received

                                                                      from the federal Bureau of Justice Assistance or death
                                                                      benefits paid by a state program.
                                                                   See section 104(a)(6).

                                                                   For this purpose, the term “public safety officer”
                                                                      includes law enforcement officers, firefighters,

                                                                      chaplains, and rescue squad and ambulance crew
                                                                   For more information, see Pub. 559, Survivors,

                                                                      Executors, and Administrators.

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