Page 268 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 268

Victim organizations

               Geographical Location of organizations
               As mentioned previously, for the first time in the history   As part of our survey, we asked
               of our research on occupational fraud, we opened up our   each respondent to provide
               study  to  include  fraud  cases  investigated  by  CFEs  out-  demographic information
               side the United States. As a result, the cases discussed in
               this Report represent frauds perpetrated in 106 countries   about the organization that
               around the world. We received information on the location   was defrauded.
               of 1,797 of the cases that were reported to us. Of these,
               43% occurred outside the United States, providing us with
               a true insight into the global plague of occupational fraud.

               The chart below shows the number and median loss of
               the cases reported to us, broken down by region. For vic-
               tim organizations with locations in more than one coun-
               try, we asked survey participants to choose the location
               where the primary perpetrator was located. For example,
               a fraud perpetrated at a European arm of a Japanese com-
               pany would be classified as occurring in Europe. Similarly,   Small organizations are particularly
               a case involving fraud perpetrated at the Canadian office   vulnerable to fraud.
               of  a  South  American  company  would  be  considered  a
               fraud that occurred in Canada. The regional breakdowns   large number of U.S. cases reported, we separated North
               on case data throughout this Report should consequently   America into the United States and Canada, and grouped
               be  read  within  this  framework.  Additionally,  due  to  the   the remaining countries by continent.

                                        Geographical location of Victim Organizations  8
                Region                                   Number of Cases  percent of Cases  Median Loss (in U.s. dollars)
                United States                            1,021           56.8%           $105,000
                Asia                                     298             16.6%           $274,000
                Europe                                   157             8.7%            $600,000
                Africa                                   112             6.2%            $205,000
                Canada                                   99              5.5%            $125,000
                Central/South America and the Caribbean  70              3.9%            $186,000
                Oceania                                  40              2.2%            $338,000
               8 See Appendix for a listing of countries included in each region.

       24   |   2010 RepoRt to the NAtioNs ON OccuPATIONAl FRAUD ANd AbuSE
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