Page 275 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 275

Size of Victim Organizations — Median loss by Region

                                                                        $875,000             <100 Employees
                                                                                             100+ Employees
                    Region  United States  $80,000
                      Central/South America  $135,000
                         and the Caribbean  $200,000
                                     $0     $200,000  $400,000  $600,000  $800,000  $1,000,000
                                                        Median Loss

           Methods of Fraud in small Businesses                            Small businesses
           Because  the  challenges  faced  by  small  businesses  in   (<100 Employees) — 537 cases
           combating occupational fraud are numerous and unique,                         Number of  percent of
                                                              scheme                                   10
           it  is helpful to know the types of  frauds that are  most                    Cases     Cases
                                                              Billing                    154       28.7%
           prevalent within these organizations. Such observations
                                                              Check Tampering            140       26.1%
           may help small businesses target their limited resources   Corruption         137       25.5%
           to those areas that pose the greatest risk.        Skimming                   116       21.6%
                                                              Expense Reimbursements     90        16.8%
           Of course, the specific risks faced by any organization are   Non-Cash        80        14.9%
                                                              Cash on Hand               79        14.7%
           largely dependent on its particular industry, operating envi-
                                                              Payroll                    72        13.4%
           ronment, processes, culture and many other factors. None-
                                                              Larceny                    66        12.3%
           theless,  examining  which  fraud  schemes  are  most  com-  Financial Statement Fraud  30  5.6%
           monly perpetrated at small companies can aid us in better
                                                             10 The sum of percentages in this table exceeds 100% because several cases involved
           understanding the fraud issues faced by these businesses.   schemes from more than one category.

                                                                2010 RepoRt to the NAtioNs ON OccuPATIONAl FRAUD ANd AbuSE  |  31
   270   271   272   273   274   275   276   277   278   279   280