Page 42 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 42

F R A U D       P R E V E N T I O N   M E A S U R E S

               Respondents were asked, based on their own expertise, which of the following eight measures are most helpful in preventing

               fraud against organizations. Each participant ranked the following measures in order of their perceived effectiveness,

               assigning a “1” to the measure that is most effective, a “2” to the measure that is next most effective, and so on. Thus, the
               most effective anti-fraud measures would have the lowest average scores.

               A strong system of internal controls was viewed as the most effective anti-fraud measure by a wide margin. Detailed back-

               ground checks on new employees were thought to be the next most important measure, followed by regular fraud audits.

                W H I C H   M E A S U R E S A R E  M OS T   H E LP F UL   IN   PR E V E NT IN G   F RA UD ?


                         Strong Internal controls                                                 1.62

                 Background checks on new employees                           3.70

                           Regular fraud audits                            3.97

                        Established fraud policies                         4.08

                 Willingness of companies to prosecute                 4.47

                      Ethics training for employees                 4.86

                Anonymous fraud reporting mechanisms             5.02

                          Workplace surveillance        6.07

                                         8        7        6         5        4        3        2         1
                                        L E A S T                                                        M O S T
                                       E F F E C T I V E                                               E F F E C T I V E

        P A G E   1 2
   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47