Page 43 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 43

T H E     P E R P E T R A T O R S

               Survey respondents provided information about the perpetrators of the crimes they had investigated. This data, summarized

               below, helps profile fraud perpetrators and shows how certain factors affect the size of the losses that these perpetrators

               inflict upon their victims.

               T H E   E F F E C T       O F   P O S I T I O N

               One of the strongest indicators of the size of the loss in an occupational fraud scheme is the position that the perpetrator

               holds within the victim organization. As the following data shows, schemes committed by managers and executives, on

               average, cause median losses of $250,000, which was about 3.5 times as high as losses associated with frauds committed by

               rank and file employees. Such a relationship could be expected, since higher-level employees have a greater degree of

               control over company assets. This trend was also evident in the 1996 Report.

               P O S I T I O N   O F   P E R P E T R A T O R
                      PERCENT OF CASES

                Manager or Executive (41.9%)                                             $250,000

                         Employee (64.1%)          $70,000

                                         MEDIAN COST

                                                                                                         P A G E   1 3
   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48