Page 641 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 641

FIG. 72  What anti-fraud controls are the most common in     FIG. 74  Cases by country in the Middle
               the Middle East and North Africa?                            East and North Africa

                               Control              Percent of cases                Country        Number of cases
                External audit of financial statements  93%                 Algeria                      1
                Internal audit department               85%                 Bahrain                      2
                Management certification of financial statements  81%       Cyprus                       5
                Code of conduct                         78%                 Egypt                        8
                External audit of internal controls over financial reporting  69%   Iraq                 1
                Management review                       68%                 Israel                       4
                Independent audit committee             67%                 Jordan                      10
                Hotline                                 59%                 Kuwait                       5
                Surprise audits                         59%                 Lebanon                      2
                Anti-fraud policy                       54%                 Oman                         4
                Fraud training for managers/executives  47%                 Qatar                        8
                Fraud training for employees            47%                 Saudi Arabia                16
                Dedicated fraud department, function, or team  44%          Syria                        1
                Formal fraud risk assessments           40%                 United Arab Emirates        34
                Proactive data monitoring/analysis      40%
                                                                            Total cases:               101
                Employee support programs               33%
                Job rotation/mandatory vacation         23%
                Rewards for whistleblowers                9%
                                                                            MEDIAN LOSS:

               FIG. 73  How does the perpetrator’s level of authority
               relate to occupational fraud in the Middle East and North    usd 200,000

                                        33%                                                  5%
                PERCENT OF C A SES                      23%               �
                                                                                             OF ALL CASES

                      Employee        Manager      Owner/executive


                MEDIAN L OSS


                                                                                       Middle East and North Africa  Report to the Nations  65
   636   637   638   639   640   641   642   643   644   645   646