Page 740 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 740



               The most cost-effective way to limit fraud losses is to prevent fraud from occurring. This checklist is designed
               to help organizations test the effectiveness of their fraud prevention measures. Additional guidance, resourc-
               es, and tools for managing organizational fraud risk can be found at

               1.  Is ongoing anti-fraud training provided to all   3.  To increase employees’ perception of detec-
                   employees of the organization?                 tion, are the following proactive measures
                   ❑   Do employees understand what constitutes   taken and publicized to employees?
                      fraud?                                      ❑   Is possible fraudulent conduct aggressively
                   ❑    Have the costs of fraud to the company and   sought out, rather than dealt with passively?
                      everyone in it—including lost profits, adverse   ❑    Are surprise fraud audits performed in
                      publicity, potential job loss, and decreased   addition to regularly scheduled audits?
                      morale and productivity—been made clear to   ❑    Are data analytics techniques used to pro-
                      all employees?                                 actively search for fraud and, if so, has the
                      ❑  Do employees know where to seek advice      use of such techniques been made known
                      when faced with uncertain ethical decisions,   throughout the organization?
                      and do they believe that they can speak freely?
                                                                  ❑    Do managers actively review the controls,
                   ❑    Has a policy of zero-tolerance for fraud been   processes, accounts, or transactions under
                      communicated to employees through words        their purview for adherence to company
                      and actions?                                   policies and expectations?

               2.  Is an effective fraud reporting mechanism in   4.  Is the management climate/tone at the top one
                   place?                                         of honesty and integrity?
                   ❑   Have employees been taught how to com-     ❑    Are employees periodically surveyed to
                      municate concerns about known or potential     determine the extent to which they believe
                      wrongdoing?                                    management acts with honesty and integrity?
                   ❑    Are one or more reporting channels (e.g., a   ❑    Are performance goals realistic and clearly
                      third-party hotline, dedicated email inbox, or   communicated?
                      web-based form) available to employees?
                                                                  ❑    Have fraud prevention goals been incorpo-
                   ❑    Do employees trust that they can report sus-  rated into the performance measures that are
                      picious activity anonymously and/or confiden-  used to evaluate managers and to determine
                      tially (where legally permissible) and without   performance-related compensation?
                      fear of reprisal?                              ❑  Has the organization established, implemented,
                   ❑   Has it been made clear to employees that      and tested a process for oversight of fraud risks
                      reports of suspicious activity will be promptly   by the board of directors or others charged with
                      and thoroughly evaluated?                      governance (e.g., the audit committee)?
                   ❑   Do reporting policies and mechanisms extend
                      to vendors, customers, and other outside

    84    Fraud Prevention Checklist  Report to the Nations
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