Page 741 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 741

5.  Are fraud risk assessments performed to pro-  9.  Are employee support programs in place to
                   actively identify and mitigate the company’s    assist employees struggling with addiction,
                   vulnerabilities to internal and external fraud?  mental/emotional health, family, or financial
               6.  Are strong anti-fraud controls in place and
                   operating effectively, including the following?  10.  Is an open-door policy in place that allows

                   ❑   Proper separation of duties                 employees to speak freely about pressures,
                                                                   providing management the opportunity to
                   ❑   Use of authorizations                       alleviate such pressures before they become
                   ❑   Physical safeguards                         acute?
                   ❑   Job rotations                           11.  Are regular, anonymous surveys conducted to
                   ❑   Mandatory vacations                         assess employee morale?

               7.  Does the internal audit department, if one
                   exists, have adequate resources and authority
                   to operate effectively and without undue influ-
                   ence from senior management?

               8.  Does the hiring policy include the following
                   (where permitted by law)?

                   ❑   Past employment verification
                   ❑   Criminal and civil background checks
                   ❑   Credit checks
                   ❑   Drug screening
                   ❑   Education verification
                   ❑   References checks

                                                                                        Fraud Prevention Checklist  Report to the Nations     85
   736   737   738   739   740   741   742   743   744   745