Page 738 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 738


              Age of Perpetrator                               How does the duration of a fraud relate to median loss?     14
              How does the perpetrator’s age relate to occupational fraud?   45  How does the number of perpetrators in a scheme   48
                                                               relate to occupational fraud?
              Spotlight: Profile of a fraudster        46–47
                                                               How does the perpetrator’s education level relate to occupational fraud?  46
              Anti-Fraud Controls                              How does the perpetrator’s gender relate to occupational fraud?  43
                                                               How does the perpetrator’s level of authority relate
              How do anti-fraud controls vary by size of victim organization?   35
                                                               to occupational fraud in various regions?                                                 63–77
              How does the presence of anti-fraud controls relate to median loss?   33
                                                               How does the perpetrator’s tenure relate to median
              How does the presence of anti-fraud              loss at different levels of authority?     40
              controls relate to the duration of fraud?    34
                                                               How does the perpetrator’s tenure relate to occupational fraud?   39
              How has the use of anti-fraud                    How does the presence of anti-fraud controls relate to median loss?    33
              controls changed over the last decade?      32
              Spotlight: Internal control weaknesses that contribute      How is occupational fraud committed?     10
              to occupational fraud                       36   Spotlight: Fraud in nonprofits          28–29
              Spotlight: Fraud in nonprofits           28–29   Spotlight: Hotline and reporting mechanism effectiveness   21
              Spotlight: Hotline and reporting mechanism effectiveness    21  Spotlight: Profile of a fraudster   46–47
              What anti-fraud controls are most common in various regions?          63–77  Spotlight: The global cost of fraud   8-9
              What anti-fraud controls are most common?     31  What asset misappropriation schemes present the greatest risk?   13
                                                               What departments pose the greatest risk for occupational fraud?   41
              Behavioral Red Flags of Perpetrator              What is the typical velocity (median loss per month) of
              Do fraud perpetrators also engage in non-fraud-related misconduct?   51  different occupational fraud schemes?     16
              Do fraud perpetrators experience negative        What levels of government are victimized by occupational fraud?   24
              HR-related issues prior to or during their frauds?    51  What types of organizations are victimized by occupational fraud?   24
              How often do perpetrators exhibit behavioral red flags?   50
              Spotlight: Behavioral Red Flags of Fraud   52–53  Concealment of Fraud Schemes
                                                               Spotlight: How occupational fraud is concealed   17
              Case Results
              How do victim organizations punish fraud perpetrators?   54  Criminal and Employment Background
              How does the recovery of fraud losses vary by region?   57  of Perpetrator
              How does the type of scheme relate to fines       Do perpetrators tend to have prior employment-related
              incurred by victim organizations?           57   disciplinary actions for fraud?            49
              Spotlight: Response to fraud               55    Do perpetrators tend to have prior fraud convictions?   48
              Why do organizations decline to refer cases to law enforcement?   56  Spotlight: Behavioral red flags of fraud                                                    52–53
                                                               Was a background check run on the perpetrator prior to hiring?     37
              Cost of Fraud                                    What types of background checks were run on the

              How do gender distribution and median loss vary       perpetrator prior to hiring?           37
              based on the perpetrator’s level of authority?   44
              How does the perpetrator’s age relate to occupational fraud?   45  Demographics of Survey Participants
              How does an organization’s gross annual revenue relate       How many fraud cases have survey participants
              to its occupational fraud risk?            25    investigated in the past two years?         61
              How does an organization’s size relate to its occupational fraud risk?  25  How much fraud examination experience did survey participants have?    61
              How does detection method relate to fraud loss and duration?   20  What was the primary occupation of survey participants?  60
              How does occupational fraud affect organizations in different industries?   27  What was the professional role of the survey participants?        61

    82    Index of Figures  Report to the Nations
   733   734   735   736   737   738   739   740   741   742   743