Page 733 - ACFE Fraud Reports 2009_2020
P. 733

FIG. 89  What anti-fraud controls are the most common in     FIG. 91  Cases by country in Western
               Western Europe?                                              Europe

                               Control              Percent of cases                Country        Number of cases
                External audit of financial statements   89%                Austria                     2
                Code of conduct                          87%                Belgium                     3
                Management certification of financial statements  81%       Denmark                     2
                Internal audit department                80%                Finland                     3
                External audit of internal controls over financial reporting  79%  France               6
                Management review                        74%                Germany                     12
                Independent audit committee              70%                Greece                      21
                Hotline                                  65%                Ireland                     2
                Anti-fraud policy                        65%                Italy                       10
                Fraud training for managers/executives   62%                Luxembourg                   1
                Fraud training for employees             61%                Netherlands                 12
                Employee support programs                57%                Spain                       13
                Formal fraud risk assessments            53%                Switzerland                 17
                Dedicated fraud department, function, or team  51%          United Kingdom              24
                      How does the perpetrator's level of authority relate to occupa-
                      tional fraud in Western Europe?
                Proactive data monitoring/analysis       44%
                Surprise audits                          43%                Total cases:               128
                Job rotation/mandatory vacation          25%     Median Loss  Western Europe?
                Rewards for whistleblowers               6%

               FIG. 90  How does the perpetrator’s level of authority
               relate to occupational fraud in Western Europe?

                               45%                                          MEDIAN LOSS:
                           35                                               usd 139,000
                          PERCENT OF C A SES  25  17%
                                                                            �                  � � � �
                           5                                                                  7%
                           0                                                                  OF ALL CASES
                             Employee   Manager   Owner/
                                     $150,000                                     CASES

                          MEDIAN L OSS


                                                                                              Western Europe  Report to the Nations  77
   728   729   730   731   732   733   734   735   736   737   738