Page 10 - MAEPS - Journey Through the Decade
P. 10

Journey through the decade: An Agro-Wonderland Tale

                                               I         saw this baby grow’

                                                          DATUK DR ABD SHUKOR ABD RAHMAN
                                               Former Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute
                                                           (MARDI) Director-General (2005 – 2013)

                                   t was a challenging time,   presented to then Prime Minister   MAEPS has turned into the largest
                                   yet for Datuk Dr Abd    Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. He     agro-food ground in Malaysia.
                         I Shukor Abd Rahman, it           agreed and the government made    I’m excited and happy to see how
                         was a most memorable experience.  a substantial allocation to develop   our baby has grown and is now a
                           From just flat land dedicated for   MAEPS.                        teenager.
                         research and development work to a   We didn’t have much experience   But MAEPS is not just about MAHA.
                         venue that hosts an array of events,   then. We had 130 hectares at our   To become a successful adult, MAEPS
                         the former MARDI director-general   disposal and we wanted to get it right.   must be a business centre. MAEPS is
                         has seen MAEPS grow over the years.  Some of us in the committee were   located in Serdang and it is a hub for
                           Abd Shukor shares the plans and   sent to Canada and Australia to study   so many things ... MARDI is next door
                         behind-the-scene work which led   showgrounds there.                while two universities (Universiti
                         to MAEPS becoming Malaysia’s, if    We returned with better insights   Putra Malaysia and Universiti
                         not the region’s, largest agriculture   and thanks to UEM Builders, we   Tenaga Nasional) are nearby. Several
                         showground.                       managed to complete Phase 2 of    agriculture agencies are located here
                                                           MAEPS in record time – work started   as well and Hospital Serdang. There
                                                           in 2007 and in less than a year, the   are five-star hotels just minutes away
                         I was appointed MARDI director-   developer built four exhibition   and it’s quite near to KL International
                         general in 2005 when the then     halls, the showgrounds, the 13 state   Airport.
                         Agriculture and Agro-based Industry   pavilions and the landscape of the   Just look at the amount of potential
                         Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin   whole area. It was an amazing feat   and possible collaborations with these
                         proposed that there be a permanent   and in time for MAHA 2008.     entities!
                         venue for the Malaysia Agriculture,   My fondest memory of MAEPS      Before I left, I envisioned MAEPS to
                         Holticulture and Agrotourism (MAHA)   has to be Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s   be a theme park ... one that is active
                         show.                             speech during the launching of MAHA   and alive every minute of the day. I
                           I believed MARDI should take    2008 when he announced that MAEPS   hope to see that happen in the near
                         the lead and our land in Serdang   would be the permanent venue and   future.
                         was among the handful of locations   that gave us a sense of joy and relief.  For now, I’m happy to see what
                         proposed to Muhyiddin. He bought    Credit must be given to every head   MAEPS has become but more can
                         the idea of MAEPS being the dedicated   of department within the ministry   be done and should be done for it to
                         venue for MAHA and the rest is    at that time. We all came together,   become a household name not only in
                         history.                          from various agencies, and made this   this region but across the globe.”
                           A committee was formed and it   happen. Such teamwork is a rarity
                         was chaired by the ministry’s then   these days.
                         secretary general Tan Sri Abi Musa. I   I must also thank former MAEPS
                         headed the operations bit.        chief executive officer Datuk Arif
                           The findings of the committee were   Othman for helping out.

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